More Ways to Make Money From Your Farm

More Ways to Make Money From Your Farm

If you’re a farmer, you’ve probably experienced money troubles at least once in your agricultural career. Despite what many people think, making a living as a farmer isn’t always easy. Sure, it can be a lot of fun and being outdoors is great, but the profit margins are often slim, and it only takes one thing to go wrong (weather, price drop, etc.) for your business to be in trouble.

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Why Small Farms Should Think Big

Why Small Farms Should Think Big

It’s well known that those who run a farm or a ranch are serious, risk-taking business people who aren’t afraid to try something new. Running a farm, no matter the size, is a tough, busy job. When starting a small farm business, it’s important to have a solid business plan with a strong growth strategy. Growing your business isn’t just about profit, but about expanding on your success and allowing yourself room for more of it.

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How The Countryside Is Powering The City

How The Countryside Is Powering The City

Renewable energies as a concept has taken off like a rocket since the turn of the millennium. Before 2000, countries were still blind to their chase of economic growth, wealth, and power. However, with science now leading the charge in social concerns, such as common cancers, mental health and now global warming, it seems that the world is finally starting to pay attention to the dangers that loom ahead. However, cities are severely combusted and difficult to change quickly, because the energy consumption is directly tied to economic output to the national GDP. Cities like London and New York at their respective country’s powerhouses where the almighty dollar or pound sterling is chased after with passionate resolve. The only way for consistent and powerful green energies to start powering the majority of the world’s needs, the green technology needs room and the perfect location to harness the forces of mother nature. Hence, the countryside has come to the rescue.

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Open Your Farm To Open Your Profit

Open Your Farm To Open Your Profit

Farming is a different beast to what it used to be. Customers want the best deals, so supermarkets pay less for produce. While we would all like to stick to our guns and refuse these cheap offerings, we also need to make a living. And, if you aren’t selling, that isn’t going to happen. But, with prices as low as they are, even selling isn’t enough to see decent profits. So, the face of farming is changing. We’re finding cheaper ways to produce the same products. We’re also trying to be innovative with ideas. Anything that makes extra money is worth trying. One thing that might be worth considering is opening your farm to the public. Of course, it’s your home and your business. This can be a hard decision. But, you don’t have to open all year round. One open day a month could be enough to see you through. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to make the public aware of the work you do. Here are a few things worth considering if you think this is the way to go.

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Investing In Unique Hobbies Produces Entrepreneurs In Retirement

Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you can’t carry on doing what you love. Buying a retirement property which can also be used as a platform for a business, can give you a new lease of life. However, food is an explosively diverse market, and almost anything goes, because there’s a use for almost anything that’s well made. Entrepreneurs with ‘professional hobbies’ are dreaming up new ways of reinventing the wheel, and the world is being made to pay attention. Giving sanctuary to a startup or successful entrepreneur who has proven their idea will yield a high return is something you could take pride in fostering. Perhaps it’s something you could leave for the children or grandkids for the future.

Craft cider

Very rarely do you meet a one of a kind entrepreneur, who rather than go the traditional route of setting up an online business, would rather get their hands dirty and do something physically wonderful. Craft ciders that are utterly unique sell well in metropolitan cities with large populations of young people. The younger generation is more inclined to appreciate complex and new flavors which veer off from the stereotypical line.

Lots of independent entrepreneurs are willing to put a lot of the hard work it requires to plant, nurture, grow and harvest apples which make the cider. Those who have shown themselves to be passionate about creating unique flavors and involving themselves at every step of the process to keep quality levels high may be leasing the land they use. Investing in the person is just as important as investing in their product. After a one on one meeting, you may see a spark of genius in them that’s worth investing in and buying shared equity in their business. And if you wish to get the product off the ground quickly, you’ve got to supply them with the real-world amenities. Real estate such as the Van Dyke Farms Homes for Sale, generally have around 1 acre of land which could be used to grow the produce. As the soil will be up-turned, proper environment safety laws must be adhered to.




Slicing through the mainstream market in shopping stores are the enthusiasts turned professional cheese farmers. Independent entrepreneurs are breaking through the cheese market due to their unique vision of flavors and different recipes which their cheeses are created for. Hardworking youngsters like Beehive, are the case in point. They make delicious hard cheeses specifically designed to be used for melting into a panini sandwich, or sub. Not too stiff, but packed full of flavor, cafes and even global coffee chains will be interested in buying something new, rich and quintessentially unique in flavor.

As little as 20 dairy cows are needed for an entrepreneur to get a decent sized batch of cheese ready to sell at a farmer’s market. Investors are always out on the hunt looking to scoop up any cheeses which tickle their taste buds. The great thing about innovation is, it can very profoundly make a business take off like a rocket. All popular companies started off somewhere and without someone who believed in them, no one would even know they existed.

Items That Any Farmer Worth Their Salt Should Implement In Their Daily Life

Items That Any Farmer Worth Their Salt Should Implement In Their Daily Life

Farming is a tough gig. The early morning alarms, the unexpected eventualities with crops and livestock, and contending with harsh weather conditions would scare off even the most seasoned inner-city dweller. However, farmers have arguably higher qualities of lives and deeper job satisfaction than most people. Because of the hours required in maintaining a farm effectively, the farmer's life is one that has less of a dividing line between life and career.

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Making The Most Of Produce In Summer

Making The Most Of Produce In Summer

In the world of farming, organic produce is an incredibly trendy commodity. More people than ever want to know exactly where their meat and vegetables are coming from. Everyone pays a trip to the farmer's markets to get their locally sourced meat or full-fat milk from reputable cow sources. Not only are people expressing their interest in the locally sourced produce, but the health benefits of grass-fed butter and full-fat items instead of the processed, 5% fat foods that are increasingly being held up as the reason the western world is overweight. Everyone is now looking to the farming communities to bring us the best produce. So, the summer months when everyone is itching to get a barbecue going, you can certainly make the most of the organic produce to make an amazing summer feast, from breakfast to your evening meal.

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What Is Sustainable Cooking, And How Do You Make It A Part Of Your Life?

What Is Sustainable Cooking, And How Do You Make It A Part Of Your Life?

Recently, there has been growing concerns on the left in politics about the impact of global food supply chains on local economies in developing countries. Take quinoa, for example. Around 2011, quinoa suddenly started turning up in recipes on health food blogs all over the internet. It was touted as a wonder grain which would end obesity and help people return their bodies to a state of health. And it turned out to be true: quinoa is far more nutritious than many other grains that are staples in the Western diet.

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