How Seasonal Gardening Increases Soil Sustainability

How Seasonal Gardening Increases Soil Sustainability

By Emily Folk

Gardening is a passion that many people enjoy because of how simple and rewarding it is. If you know how to take care of the plant you want to grow, there’s almost nothing stopping you from filling your house or yard with beautiful blooms and foliage. At a certain point, though, gardening can get a bit more complex. There’s things to think about that most beginner gardeners don’t consider because it requires a bit of gardening knowledge.

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Make An Effort To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Year

Make An Effort To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Year

As the rise of Climate Change is starting to become more and more of a globally covered issue, it can be easy to feel useless in making any real change. Especially when a few superpower continents refuse to acknowledge the impact they may be having on the melting ice caps, and breaking down of the Ozone Layer. It is easy to ask yourself what difference is one little person in this huge world going to make? The obvious answer is not very much. However, these positive changes can set an example to other people in your life, who set a positive example to the people in their own lives and so on. Before you know it, you have created a catalyst of carbon footprint reductions that has really taken off. Becoming conscious of the effect you are having on the environment around you rarely has any negatives connected to it - only positives. Read on to find out how you can help to reduce your carbon footprint and lead an environmentally healthier lifestyle.

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Save Nature & Save Some Cash!

Save Nature & Save Some Cash!

Money makes the world go around, so it makes good sense that you’d want to save as much of it as possible. Saving money is about you, so if you want to save some cash and do something good at the same time, it makes sense to do some good deeds. The biggest good deed that you can do is to look after the environment, and you can harness nature to help you save money, and save the planet at the same time.

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Sustainable Ways to Save Energy and Water

Sustainable Ways to Save Energy and Water

Whether you have a cabin in the woods or simply want to reduce your utility bills, saving energy and water can be done relatively cheaply, it just takes some creative thinking and a little work. Many of us have the desire to live totally off grid, or are already living the life of being energy efficient and farming but either way here are some steps you can take to push your sustainability further, help the planet and save some money while you do it.

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The Basic Equipment Required on Every Small Farm

The Basic Equipment Required on Every Small Farm

For many people, the idea of escaping the city and getting out into the country is the ideal scenario. If you want to fully embrace the rural life, running a small and sustainable farm might be the best way to go about it, but if you want to do that you’re going to need to have the right equipment in place to get started. Here are the most important basics you'll need.

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Reduce Waste and Feed the Hungry

Reduce Waste and Feed the Hungry

If you’re a farmer, the reality of food waste and its impact on the environment is probably a shock. Half the land in the United States is used for farming, yet food is wasted due to storage issues, weather and pests, labor problems, and the fickle customer. Markets, restaurants and consumers want visually appealing fruits and vegetables that “match” in size, as this equates to quality in their minds. So, you toss up to half your crop for a variety of reasons. Considering you see only what’s wasted on your farm, the global impact is mind boggling.

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The Best Kept Secrets About Getting Started With Farming

The Best Kept Secrets About Getting Started With Farming

If you feel like you want a quieter life and would like to leave the city behind, starting a farm might be a good idea. Unfortunately, the majority of “townies” fail to make profits out of their farm, due to the lack of planning and competency. You should think twice about moving to the country and adopting a new lifestyle. Waking up early in the morning and doing physical work, doing everything yourself, even the accounts can be more exhausting than working 9-5. To help you avoid some of the most common mistakes, we have created a list of tips below.

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5 Power Tools That Every Farm Owner Must Have

 5 Power Tools That Every Farm Owner Must Have

Farming and agriculture are by far some of the most challenging industries nowadays. Not only that there is a huge need for actual interaction, but also there is quite a need as well for machines. In actuality, almost 25% of the operational costs are allocated to the machinery and equipment. Hence, investing in a good and quality equipment and tools are very much beneficial in a small to big farming business.

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Sustainable Development: Eco Practices You Can Apply Now And Later

Sustainable Development: Eco Practices You Can Apply Now And Later

As you go through the motions of running your own business, it’s easy to tend to focus on what you’re doing in terms of the impact it has on your business. Sometimes, this can be a dangerous frame of mind to get in to. When you’re focused entirely on your own gains, you can forget about all of the things that you’re doing, and the impact they might have on others. Because every single decision you make with regards to your business practices, will have an impact externally as well as internally. Now, many of those effects will be positive, but not all of them always are. And it’s at this point that we all need to be a bit more conscious and take action.

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How To Say 'I Do' To Hosting Weddings

How To Say 'I Do' To Hosting Weddings

These days we should be looking for how we can maximize our business and diversify our income streams. More and more farmers are looking for more ways to make money from their farm, they can no longer rely on making money from what they farm. Farming is a tough business. Profit margins are slim and farmers have to worry about weather and prices amongst other things.. It only takes one small thing to go wrong and that could spell disaster for a farmer. That’s why farmers are now looking for different ways to make money, and some are realizing that weddings could be a farmer’s happy ending. The wedding business is often considered recession proof because even when times are hard, people are always in love and people always want to get married. Apparently just over 2 million marriages take place in the US every year. The wedding industry is a profitable one.

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