Save Money and the Planet With Solar Power on Your Farm

Save Money and the Planet With Solar Power on Your Farm

Going green on your farm often requires a bit of investment, but it's worth it if you want to make some long-term changes. By making an effort to carry out eco-friendly practices, you can both follow your conscience and save your farm a lot of money. As solar technology develops, there are more and more ways you can make use of it on your farm. Anything that is usually powered by electricity or other forms of energy can benefit from harnessing the power of the sun. Farm owners who want to find ways to use solar on their land should take a look at the new technologies and ideas for how solar power could work for them.

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5 Ways to Make Your Farm More Eco-Friendly

5 Ways to Make Your Farm More Eco-Friendly

Farming was, once upon a time, one of the most eco-friendly activities there was. It was all small practices, ones that worked in conjunction with nature - it was all good. But as more and more machines were introduced, that slowly began to change. Now, farms that use practices established over the past half a century are highly unlikely to be good for the environment. But that doesn’t mean it has to be that way! We know a lot know, and there are plenty of ways to make your farm more in line with earth-friendly practices - and what’s more, none of these is particularly difficult to incorporate into your operations.

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Keeping Business Safe With Heavy Machinery

Keeping Business Safe With Heavy Machinery

Running a farm, or any other kind of large scale outdoor business, usually requires some pretty serious hardware. You will need to have machines to pull and lift things, vehicles to transport goods around, and loads of other resources which can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Of course, the risk which can come with this is huge, and a lot of people struggle to handle it in a safe way. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring the work which has to be done to ensure that heavy machinery is always operated safely.

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5 Considerations Before Expanding Your Farm Set-Up

5 Considerations Before Expanding Your Farm Set-Up

It’s not easy running a farm, especially in the early days. But after you’ve become settled, you might begin to look out at all those vacant acres you’ve got around you, and begin to wonder whether it’s a good idea to expand your operations. While having money behind you to do this is important, it’s not the only factor that you should be thinking about. Below, we take a look at five considerations to think through carefully before making too many plans.

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6 Things You Need To Know About Raising Pigs

6 Things You Need To Know About Raising Pigs

Raising pigs isn’t often a vocation that most people think of when they’re in school, but it’s a wonderful move that could see your farmland being worked over in a way that machines just cannot do. Rescuing and raising healthy pigs may not be something that you’re used to, but it’s something that is going to keep the farm that you run going. Pigs, intelligent and charming creatures that they are, have the ability to prevent you from ever having any food waste. Being able to raise and sell pigs can keep your farm in business and keep the pigs well-fed.

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Is Your Equipment Right For You?

Is Your Equipment Right For You?

If you’re running an establishment or something similar, then you’re going to need to make sure you’re running a tight ship. One thing all seem to complain about is the equipment and how it isn’t right for them. Equipment can slow any type of business down, no matter what it is. But when we’re talking about agriculture, things can get a lot more complicated. Livelihood of the stock is involved, and if you ship to local stores, then the produce they’re relying on can be affected. That’s really going to be the last thing you want, especially when there’s a chain reaction of events that’s going to take place if part of the equipment breaks. So, you need to be asking yourself if the equipment you have is right for you, and if it isn’t, here’s a few things that you can do to put yourself on the right track.

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Juggling Cows: Do You Need More Help?

Juggling Cows: Do You Need More Help?

There’s nothing worse than running a successful farm by yourself. Most people on the outside hear the word farm and think of the man with the hat and the wheat between his teeth. They don’t realise that it’s early starts, long days and an awful lot of management going on behind the scenes. It’s up to you to assess the needs of your farm, and when you become more successful in your venture; whether that’s selling the products of your animals, selling your crops or having a fun farm open for children and families, you may need more help than you’d planned for.

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How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Equipment

How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Equipment

It’s not something any of us enjoy thinking about or planning for, but sometimes even our most reliable equipment breaks down.

When it does, you have the choice to repair or replace that piece of equipment. Even if you think you have a solid understanding of the financial realities involved, the full picture might be a little more complicated than you expect. Here’s what to keep in mind next time you’re facing this dilemma.

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A Farm House Can Still Be Stylish!

A Farm House Can Still Be Stylish!

There's a strange attitude that a lot of people hold when it comes to interior design that, in order to be stylish, a home has to be ultra modern and sleek. Now, that might work for certain homes but the truth is that if you live in somewhere like a farmhouse or any other more rustic style of home, that kind of design simply isn't going to work. But does that mean that you're never going to be able to have a stylish home if you live somewhere like that? Of course not! The truth is that any home can become incredibly stylish if you're willing to put the effort into it. You've just got to keep in mind a few simple tricks. With that in mind, here are some ways to make sure that your rustic home is a stylish one as well.

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