5 Fantastic Ways To Grow Your Farming Profits

5 Fantastic Ways To Grow Your Farming Profits

Are you interested in growing your farming business profits? Of course you are. As a business owner, you should always be looking for ways to boost those profit margins and make more money from your land. You’ve probably heard of how farmers always struggle to make profits through the year, particularly when the weather starts to turn. Fear not though, because there are ways to make sure that you do make more money in this type of business model and keep those profits tidy. At the same time you can reduce your costs which again means more money to spend. So, let’s look at some of the best options and possibilities you can consider.

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Money Matters: Making More Cash From Your Farm

Money Matters: Making More Cash From Your Farm

If your farm has been passed down through the generations, chances are you feel tempted (or even obliged) to keep doing things the same way as they always have been. Sure, new technology has made processes faster and easier, but if you’ve always kept cows for milking or grown specific crops you might be cautious of deviating from this. However, it shouldn’t be the case. If you own farmland, there’s lots of opportunities you can take and ways to utilise the land that can be very lucrative. Here are a few ideas.

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Farming Misconceptions: The Harm & The Solutions

Farming Misconceptions: The Harm & The Solutions

It’s fair to say that the way that non-farmers imagine a farm runs is very different to reality. Inspired by TV shows and movies - the majority of which are set in the past - most non-farmers imagine that running a farm is a quaint, homely, wholesome pursuit, with farmers spending work days with their hands in the earth and the sun on their backs. Some savvy farmers have even embraced this common misconception, and create marketing campaigns that seek to emphasize their “old fashioned” approach to farming.

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Finding Ways To Feed Your Farm’s Machines

Finding Ways To Feed Your Farm’s Machines

Tractors, harvesters, and plows are all very hungry machines. Being powered by huge engines, these sorts of tools find it hard to get through small amounts of fuel, and this can cost a small fortune when you’re paying for it all yourself. Of course, though, most farmers will also be very concerned about the environment. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the different fuels you have available, along with some of the other tools which can be used to improve this side of your farm.

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How to Get Your Garden Summer Ready!

How to Get Your Garden Summer Ready!

Now that Christmas is over and done with, we can begin looking forward to the warmer months in which we spend as much time as possible in our gardens - or at least outdoors! It’s likely that over the winter months your garden may have become a little neglected, and if you’re like many people around the world, you’re partial to having friends and family over to enjoy your garden with you during the summer months. It’s understandable that you want to create a garden to be proud of to show off to your family and friends, so check out these tips on how to get your garden summer ready!

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Ten Minutes Or Less And Healthy? It Can Be Done!

Ten Minutes Or Less And Healthy? It Can Be Done!

You might think that to stay healthy you need to spend hours cooking in the kitchen. If you have a busy schedule or you’re rushed off your feet because of work, then this can seem like an absolute nightmare. The last thing you want when you come home from a busy day is to stay in the kitchen slaving away to make sure that you and your family have a healthy meal rather than junk food. The good news is that this isn’t necessary at all. Instead, there are some great ways to eat healthy while cutting the time out of cooking and preparation. Let’s look at a few of the possibilities.

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What You Need to Know to Easily Maintain a Large Garden

What You Need to Know to Easily Maintain a Large Garden

If you have a large garden, making changes to it to ensure it’s as manageable as possible will help you to save both money and time. Your garden can look fantastic with little trouble if you only know what to do - and we’re going to discuss this below. Take a look and you’ll get a good idea of how to maintain a large garden the easy way. You’ll wonder how you ever got along without the advice below!

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Tips For Growing Your Own Food (And Saving The Planet At The Same Time)

Tips For Growing Your Own Food (And Saving The Planet At The Same Time)

Growing your own food might sound like a massive hassle. But as it turns out, not only is it easier than most people imagine, but it’s also a lot of fun too. Not only do you get the satisfaction of growing produce yourself, but you also get access to a range of tasty, flavorful fruits and vegetables, all organic, and some of which aren’t available from the store.

So how do you grow all the food you need? Take a look at these tips.

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Tips and Tricks to Gardening While Reducing Water Usage

Tips and Tricks to Gardening While Reducing Water Usage

Every homeowner wants to relax and draw inspiration from a beautiful garden. Imagine the fresh air, the colorful flowers and butterflies, and the healthy vibe a garden provides. Gardening is a healthy and fun activity for you and your family — a great way to teach your children how to love and take care of nature.  However, while you strive to have a beautiful and functional garden, you notice that your water bill tends to increase as you grow more plants and expand your flower beds. The good news is that there are ways you can conserve water while maintaining a healthy and gorgeous garden.

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Are You Ready for Farm Life?

Are You Ready for Farm Life?

When you feel as if your life isn’t really on track, one of the things that can often be a huge indicator for this is how you’re living. If you’re someone that perhaps lives in a city, or is always on the go, then it could be that you need to just slow down and move out to the country. And yes, that can sound like a cloche, but it’s what people tend to do for a reason. Because the air is cleaner and the environment is definitely a lot more peaceful. And if you really want a quality of life that you love, then it could be that starting up a farm life might be perfect for you. But, before you start to dream about this, you might want to be sure that you’re ready.

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What Do You Need To Consider When Purchasing Farm Machinery?

What Do You Need To Consider When Purchasing Farm Machinery?

When you consider how machine intensive farming is nowadays, you see why it is so important to purchase each and every piece of machinery with care. After all, one bad purchase could be seriously detrimental to the success of your farm. This post is here to ensure you make the right decision – no matter whether you are buying a diet feeder, a dual spreader, a tractor, or any other type of farm machinery. So, keep on reading to discover the main factors you must bear in mind when making any machine purchase.

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Fun Ways to Use the Space in a Bigger Garden

Fun Ways to Use the Space in a Bigger Garden

When you have a garden with a lot of space, it’s definitely not a bad thing, but you can sometimes end up feeling like you just have all this space and don’t really know what to do with it. Of course, things like plants and vegetable gardens are great things to add, but truly you can only have so many of them, and they do require a good bit of upkeep as well, which is something you may not have lots of time for.

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