Teach For Us!
/With summer just around the corner, it's time for you specialists to start thinking about teaching workshops at Better Farm in the coming months.
A large crew of worker bees will be going to Better Farm over Memorial Day to do a bunch of painting, bring in some bunk beds, and complete some very basic and minor house renovations. As of June 1, Better Farm is essentially "open for business."
We're looking for people who are interested in running small workshops at Better Farm. Sound interesting? If so, please contact us with a basic outline of the workshop. What kind of workshop would it be? What sorts of courses would it entail? How many instructors would it require? How are you qualified? Do you have people in mind who you could work with? How many students? How long would it run for? What dates are you available? What equipment would be needed? Don’t feel limited to the arts, and go as broad as you like.
You can get most info on the building and property at the Better Farm site, but feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
Better Be,