First Week as an Intern

Elizabeth Musoke stands with Better Farm's garden mascot.
By Elizabeth Musoke

So in my goal to find sustainable solutions for informal settlements and promote sustainability, getting an internship at Better Farm is my way to fulfill my quest! I'm hoping to focus on rainwater catchment and learn numerous other things as well.

It was a long day of traveling: from staying up late to pack (and not really sleeping-my fault), catching my flight at 6 a.m. to Chicago, then Chicago to Syracuse. I then waited at the airport in Syracuse for another 5 hours (but there was free Wi-Fi, so yay!). I caught the bus to Watertown and finally arrived in Redwood.

It was great to finally get here. It is awesome up here! Redwood is idyllic and charming. I love the trees and fields…not to mention all the surrounding bodies of water! Meeting everyone has been great! As soon as I arrived the other interns, Jaci and Natasha, helped me carry my stuff and got me settled in. Everyone has really been amazing and friendly. The people here at Better Farm are incredibly multifaceted and talented. It is honestly quite amazing! The locals I have met have also been very welcoming.

I have already learned a great deal since I have been here: from the types of vegetables that grow in certain months, how to make clay earth more conducive to planting, trellis construction, mulch gardening and much more. I have started looking into a rainwater catchment system...and I shall put more information up as we go along. We are going to try and install rainwater catchment systems on the birdhouse and possibly other structures. Painting or decorating the rainwater basins could be a fun activity that could involve collaborating with artists (and anyone else!).

The past week has been awesome. I have not done this much work outdoors…ever! But it feels great and satisfying! I look forward to working with a fantastic group of interns and everyone here at Better Farm!

For more information about Better Farm's sustainability internship, click here.