Neighborhood Group Plants the Seed in Redwood

Children planting seeds in Redwood's Community Greenhouse. Photo/Penny Heath
The Redwood Neighborhood on Saturday hosted a seed-planting workshop for children and adults in Redwood's Community Greenhouse. The event was put on in partnership with Hearts for Youth, which funded the seeds and supplies, and Better Farm, which helped to make the "Community Garden" sign and provided volunteers to help at the event.

Participants in Saturday's seed-planting workshop. Photo/Penny Heath

Erin Fulton paints a "Community Garden" sign. Photo/Dave Ciolli
Photo/Nicole Caldwell
The neighborhood association built the greenhouse in 2012 and recently moved the structure to a prominent location along Route 37 downtown, next to the Kabel building. The greenhouse is available for use by anyone in the community.

At the workshop, participants learned about proper methods for planting and caring for seeds. Planted on Saturday were lettuce, various kinds of tomatoes, zucchini, and broccoli.

Those plants will be nurtured until June, when they will be sold in a plant sale to benefit the Redwood Neighborhood Association. For more information about the greenhouse, to volunteer, or to participate, please call (315) 482-2536 or e-mail
Nicole Caldwell waters seeds in the greenhouse. Photo/Dave Ciolli