Is Your Farm Environmentally Sound?

There are many concerns facing those who run a farm these days, and one which is likely to become more and more pressing as time goes on is whether or not the way you are running your farm is environmentally sound. The truth is that keeping your head above water when it comes to environmental issues can be difficult, in part because there is just so much to do on  that front, but as long as you are thinking about it as much as you can, you will find that you can generally make a considerable difference to how your farm fares in environmental terms. There are three things in particular which you might want to pay close attention to if you are to ensure that your farm is environmentally sound. Let’s take a look at what they are - along with a discussion of what you can do to improve the functioning of your own farm in this way.


A farm is like any other business in that it is seen as such under the eyes of the law and in terms of various kinds of suggested regulations as well. Something which has cropped up in the UK in the past few years which you might want to pay particular attention to is something known as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). This is an initiative whereby businesses are encouraged to disclose their own carbon output as a means of it being on the public record. This then of course is meant to encourage businesses to reduce their impact as best as they can. It’s absolutely worthwhile finding out your own CDP score for your farm, so you know whether you might need to do anything on this front. Not only does it mean you can help the environment, but you might be able to improve the public perception of your farm, which every business owner knows is very important indeed.


The size of your business is one of the biggest indicators of how much of an impact you are likely to have on the environment, and if you are keen to keep that impact down then you should think about what you can do to keep your farm relatively modest. You don’t need to take up plenty of space in order to produce enough for a decent business, in part because you can be clever about how you use the space and so get much more out of it. By focusing on it in this way, you can be sure that you are going to make a huge difference to how much you are affecting the environment.


The way that you produce is just as important as the above two measures as well, and it’s something you should investigate as to whether you're doing so in the best way possible. Your production is something which you should focus on at all times, as keeping it at the right level and using the right methodology will ensure that you can keep your farm as environmentally sound as you would like it to be.