3 Vital Things Every Farm Desperately Needs

The joy of owning a farm is that you get to spend hours outside doing something you love. It’s a fantastic release from the hustle and bustle of city life, and many people don’t understand the true beauty of farming until they try it. 

One of the things that got me interested in farming is that it’s such a diverse area. You can set up any type of farm you want, and spend your days doing something entirely different from a neighboring farmer!

Saying that, while farms can be diverse, there are also elements that are consistent throughout. Mainly, this revolves around specific things a farm needs. No matter what type of farm you own - or how big it is - every farm needs to have all of these things: 

Helping Hands

You can’t run a farm all by yourself, even a small one. There are simply too many things to do, every single day. It’s especially hard if you still work full-time alongside doing farming as a hobby. So, you need a few helping hands to make life easier. This doesn’t mean you have to hire anyone; you can convince your kids or other family members to lend a helping hand when you need it. The beauty of farming is that the community is very tight. So, other farmers are always keen to help out, provided you do the same when they need it. 

A Good Quality Barn

No farm is complete without a barn. It may seem like an extra piece of real estate that takes up some of your land, but barns are essential. If you have livestock, then you need a sheltered place to keep them during the winter or when the weather’s bad. Even if you don’t, you need a barn to keep all of your farming supplies and to ensure nothing gets stolen. Traditionally, barns were made out of wood, and you may have one that’s been there for generations. Nowadays, a pole barn made from metal is the more popular option. It adds extra durability and security, meaning everything inside the barn is well-protected. 

A Plan

That’s right, you need to have a plan if you own a farm. Think about why you’re doing this and what you hope to achieve. Some of you may only do this as a hobby, and that’s fine. You still need a plan, but your plan can be to just get out in the fields and have fun whenever there’s free time. Those of you that want to do this for a living will need a more structured plan. Figure out the best way for you to make money from your farm. Then, you can start planning out what things to plant or what animals to buy/breed. A plan gives your farm a sense of direction, and you get more enjoyment out of farming. 

Remember, it doesn’t matter what farm you own or how big it is. You still need all three of these things if you want to get the most out of it.