What Is a Sump Pump and Do You Need One?

As a homeowner, you do your best to prepare for emergencies and disasters. Few incidents can be more destructive and costly than a flood. Whether it’s from Mother Nature, a sewer backup, or a broken pipe, water can damage building materials, flooring, and personal belongings. Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce the risk of flooding at home. A sump pump is a vital tool to keep unwanted water away. You should know how this device works and when it might make sense to purchase one.

A Sump Pump: An Overview

A sump pump is a piece of equipment that you place at the lowest point of your home. This is usually the crawl space or the basement. The pump is not active until the water levels rise around the home or until the ground is saturated. When there is too much water in the ground around the house, it moves toward the pump. A float switch activates, putting the pump into action. The pump then sends water away from the area, diverting it into a retention pond or a storm drain. The pump will keep water in the ground from infiltrating your home and reaching the basement floor 

Why Get One?

Rather than wait until there is water in your basement, you can take a defensive position and prevent flooding from happening. This pump removes water as it starts to rise in the ground under your home. Without a pump, heavy rains or a nearby overflowing waterway could soon send several inches of water into your home. These levels could gradually rise without intervention. A pump can be especially helpful when you are away from your house and unable to take other measures of stopping the flooding.

A sump pump also helps to ensure that appliances such as washers and dryers, water heaters, and other items are not damaged. Having a pump can also keep the damaging effects of mildew and mold at bay. Even if you’re able to remove water from your basement, fungal growth can occur. However, if water never invades the basement, you shouldn’t have to worry about these unwanted guests. Your basement can remain dry and comfortable all the time, providing you with a safe and inviting place to spend time. There will also be better airflow and a higher quality of air in the basement overall.

Deciding to Get a Sump Pump: You’re Tired of the Water

Many homeowners who have sump pumps purchase one because of past flooding issues. If you’ve experienced one flood or bout of water damage, you never want to go through that again. You shouldn’t have to live in fear and anxiety every time it rains. You shouldn’t have to find a damp floor or high humidity in the basement. A sump pump can solve these problems.

High Precipitation Is Common Where You Live

If you live in an area where heavy rainfall is common, consider buying and installing a sump pump. Chances are good that you will have to contend with water damage at some point. A sump pump can give you the peace of mind you need during rain or snowstorms. In some parts of the country, moisture in the ground is continual. Evaluate the climate and conditions where you live, and choose to get a sump pump.

Your Home Is in an Area Prone to Flooding

You do not even have to be located in a place where it rains heavily to be at risk for flooding. If your home is located near a canal, river, or lake, it is more likely that your basement will flood. Also, consider whether your home is built on poor soil where water becomes saturated. The property on which your home is built may not be sloped properly, or the drainage system may be insufficient. If these factors are present, you need a sump pump. Do not risk water damage in your house any longer.

Discovering a flood in your house can be a devastating occurrence. While you cannot predict the weather or other factors, you can arm your home with the right protection. Installing a sump pump in the basement today can spare you a lot of grief and hassle tomorrow.