Three Mistakes That Stop Children From Doing Better in School


All parents would want their kids to be great achievers. This is why at such an early age, we already try to teach them things that they will eventually learn in school. We even try our best to take them to the best schools in the area.

But sometimes, no matter how invested we are in our children's academic future, we are only adding pressure to our kid's already stressful life. Even with the best intentions, it could be us parents who are stopping our kids from doing better in school. Here are some of the things that demotivate kids from reaching their full academic potential:

Choosing the best school instead of the right school

Some parents pressure themselves into enrolling their kids in the best school. Sure, some schools are more established than the rest as they have built an excellent reputation over the years. Studying in the best schools does not guarantee their success in the future. Remember that the brand name will not dictate your child's future.

Even in schools, there is no one-size-fits-all option. Every student is unique and will have different preferences. It might not even be traditional schooling. With the technology we have these days, your soon-to-be senior high-schooler might even find it fitting to enroll in an open high school program instead. As long as your child is happy, feels safe, and is excited to learn each day, then you've found the right school for them.

Failure to recognize the reason for their lack of motivation

Is your child lazy when it comes to studying? Is their irresponsibility already affecting their academics? Or maybe their lousy attitude is now causing them to fail a subject or two? Then the main reason for these signs could be their lack of motivation.

Young kids find it hard to express themselves verbally, prompting them to give-off visual cues to clueless parents. Teenagers, on the other hand, often let their frustrations get the best of them, making them want to withdraw instead of asking for help. As parents, we must interpret not only the verbal cues but the visual cues as well. Once you learn what's causing their lack of motivation, you can start helping tackle the problem.

Obsessing about the future

Many parents worry too much about their kids' future. However, obsessing too much on the negatives won't also do you any good. Your kids can currently focus on games and friends, but as long as they are not letting this interfere with their studies, then there is no reason to worry too much.

What parents can do best is to help kids focus on their strengths and hone their talents and skills. Be supportive of your child, but make sure to set clear rules that involve them not taking their education for granted. This way, your child will feel the importance of education. They will also get to realize their strengths, get to know their passion, and enjoy their childhood at the same time.

Being a parent can be the most challenging role anyone has to face. Even if you only want what is best for your children, they might not realize your efforts just yet. The good news is, there are things you can do to ensure they stay focused and motivated in school without letting them miss their childhood. One great way to do this is by avoiding the three mistakes mentioned on this list.