Motivating Reasons to Start Your Own Farm

Have you ever considered running your own farm? It might be that you have, because why else would you read this article? Farming can be a very rewarding career, despite the hard work involved. We have lots of blog posts on our website that can guide you, and most farmers will offer you advice if you are keen to get started.

But if you're in need of that extra motivation to set out on a farming career, consider the following. These are the reasons why many people decide to follow the farming path.

#1: You can escape the dissatisfaction of your current job

A day cooped up in an office space can be quite soul-destroying, especially when the weather is lovely and warm outside. The 9-5 treadmill can also be quite wearying. If you have ever wanted more flexibility in a job role, and especially if you have ever wanted to spend more time working outdoors, it might be that a farming career will be right for you. Admittedly, you might have to work early in the morning and late into the evening, depending on the type of farm you run. But the slower pace might serve you well, and if your farm is relatively small, you don't have to be busy 24/7. And even when you do have to work hard, you might be glad that you get to experience fresh air while you're working and not the stuffy confines of an office space. 

#2: You can do much to help the environment

You can do much to help the environment, regardless of where you live, of course. You can take steps to reduce waste, add solar roofing and other green improvements to your home, and use your car less to reduce your carbon footprint. But if you have ever wanted to live a greener lifestyle, farming could be right for you. You can grow your own foods without needing to order in from elsewhere. You can use alternative energy sources, such as hydropower to operate your farm. And you can focus on organic farming to eliminate the risks associated with pesticides and other chemical products used to grow crops. Farming life is the greener way to go for many, so give it some thought if you're keen to protect the environment.

#3: You can support the needs of the local community

We are talking about this on a healthy level, as by growing foods organically, you can sell your produce at the local farmers market and give people healthier options for their diet. You can benefit the community on a green level as well, because you will reduce the need for food to be transported in from elsewhere, and people won't need to pollute the air on the way to the supermarket. If you have land to spare, you can use it for community events. And you can help the local economy by hiring people to work with you. So, if you are community-minded, you can do a lot of good through the work you do on your farm. 

These are only a few reasons why you might want to start your own farm, but it might be that other motivating factors are triggering your interest. Whatever the case, read some of the articles on our website for more advice, and commit to research elsewhere to help you get started.