Top Career Prospects for Every Senior High Track and Strand


In the Philippines, the Aquino administration rolled out the K to 12 education program, which aims to make other graduates of senior high school immediately employable or better prepared for college. Some senior high completers (those who take the TVL strand) are given a National Certificate (NC) valid for five years by the country's Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). These completers can use their NCs to seek employment in industries related to their skills should they opt not to pursue college.

If you happen to be an incoming senior high school student or your child is entering this phase of the K to 12 curricula, you should carefully choose which track and strand to take. This is important to gain optimum results out of your pick and to pursue the right career path upon entering college or completing the level.

Here are the best career paths for each senior high school track and strand that you should consider: 

  1. Academic Track. The Academic Track includes four strands, making it the most in-demand track in the SHS education program. For students who wish to enter a career in mass communication, education, political science, English language, and theater, the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand is perfect for them. Meanwhile, those who want to someday become accomplished scientists, engineers, and researchers should choose the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Strand.

    For students with a natural talent in numbers and entrepreneurship, a promising career awaits them should they decide to take the Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand. Lastly, students who are still undecided as to their eventual college course should play it safe and take the General Academic Strand (GAS). This strand includes courses that are related to all strands, which offers students greater freedom of choice when they enter college. Among the subjects taken under GAS are Humanities, Disaster Preparedness, and Social Sciences.

  2. Arts and Design Track. Junior high school completers who are gifted at design or the arts should search for a reputable high school that offers the Arts and Design Track. Students who pursue this specific track take creative subjects in theater, dance, photography, visual arts, and media. Upon completing their chosen college course related to the track, graduates can become the next generation of industry creatives who can make outstanding contributions in TV and movie productions, as well as in multimedia disciplines.

  3. Sports Track. Students who are heavily inclined to pursue a career as a professional athlete, trainer, game official, or sports coach should definitely take the Sports Track. As one would expect, the subjects taken under this track are primarily geared towards physical fitness and sports disciplines such as individual and team sports.

  4. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track. Finally, students who have an innate knack for blue-collar work should pick the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track for them to receive a National Certificate (NC) or a Certificate of Competency (COC), which they can use to try getting employed upon completion of senior high school. For example, they can land a job as an events manager or coordinator should they decide to take this Strand. Senior high schools that offer TVL Track typically have standing partnerships with companies who want on-the-job trainees (OJTs) or interns for temporary employment or future hiring.

    Students taking the TVL Track may choose from different strands such as Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Agri-Fishery Arts, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Just like the Academic Track, TVL Track provides several strands that attract many students with interests and skills related to the different strand options.

With these pieces of information available to you, picking the perfect track based on your competency and interest should be easy. Be sure to consider all the options before deciding on which track and strand to take, so you won't regret your choice later on.