Benefits of Getting Back to Basics

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Have you ever found yourself just wanting to "get back to basics" in life, and to let go of a lot of the complexity and chaos that can so easily seem to end up becoming a predominant feature of modern living?

For many people, getting "back to basics" can be a deeply rewarding experience, whether that’s in the sense of moving to a quieter and more rural location, getting interested in traditional home cooking and trying out recipes like pecan crusted sweet potato souffle, or whether it’s in the sense of decluttering your home, or changing to a less hectic career.

Here are just a few benefits of getting back to basics, so that you can weigh up the pros and cons of aiming for a bit more simplicity in your own life.

Enhancing your ability to appreciate the small everyday pleasures of life

As many writers, documentary makers, and social commentators have observed in recent times, it seems to be the case that the more stimulation people tend to experience in everyday life – in the form of things such as action-packed films, video games, social media platforms, and so on – the more desensitized they become to some of the simple pleasures of life.

The thing is, many of the sources of excessive stimulation that we tend to experience in everyday life are actually artificial, and in many cases are products that have been created, packaged, and sold to us with the intent of being addictive.

On the other hand, the small everyday pleasures of life – such as spending a moment talking to a loved one, or enjoying a morning cup of coffee – tend to be the kinds of authentic experiences that can be some of the most enriching.

Getting "back to basics," and reducing the amount of digital media in your life, can enhance your ability to appreciate the small everyday pleasures of life again.

Getting you back in touch with a sense of what's most important in your life 

In one sense, "getting back to basics" implies stripping away a lot of the distractions that we tend to be surrounded by on a day to day basis, and that often end up getting in the way of our ability to clearly see and experience the things that are really most important in our lives.

If you've got a hectic work life, there's a good chance that it can end up distracting you from your dreams, and getting in the way of quality time to spend with your loved ones. What’s more, the work itself may not even be ultimately fulfilling to you.

Hopefully, scaling things back more and emphasizing simplicity can help you to reassess your priorities, and to live in a meaningful way.

Helping you to destress, and to reduce a lot of unnecessary frustration in your life

When all is said and done, life has a way of becoming stressful and frustrating, and the more responsibilities and variables we have to juggle and consider at a time, the more stressful it will tend to be.

Taking steps to get back to basics in your life can really help you to destress, and it can reduce a lot of that unnecessary frustration and irritation.