Easy Ways to Spend More Time Outdoors

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

As soon as you say ‘spend more time outdoors’ people tend to think about high-energy, time-consuming activities such as mountain climbing. While these can be enjoyable, you don’t need to push yourself in order to spend more time outside. In fact, you can increase the time you speans outdoors through everyday activity and events that are already in your schedule. A typical adult spends 90% of their time indoors, and you will probably benefit from reducing this number. 

Let’s look at some ways you can do this below.

Ride Your Bike To Work 

Hopping on your bike in the morning will get you off to a great start. It gets your heart pumping and will thus give you the energy you need for a productive day. You will also benefit from a clear mind and fresh air. Plus you will no longer need to deal with traffic jams or looking for a car parking space as well as saving money on fuel and reducing your carbon footprint.

Celebrate Outdoors 

Having a family get together soon to celebrate a birthday or perhaps a wedding? Why not take the party outside instead? It can be easy to automatically plan a party to be indoors and forget out the wonderful space that most of us have in your back garden. Not only does it make people feel more positive it also provides you with more room for guests to spread out and get comfortable to sit back and enjoy a slice of the tasty strawberry birthday cake that everyone’s waiting for. 

Spend Your Lunch Outside 

Think about what you actually do during your lunch hour. You will probably say that you retreat back to your desk to eat your food, scroll through your phone, read some news or a book, and maybe even cut it short because you are bored. Why not give yourself a proper break away from work and spend some time outside. You could go for a short walk and come back to the office full of energy ready for the afternoon, sit at a nearby bench or picnic table, or take a seat under a tree in a nearby park. Any of these will get you outside breathing fresh air and getting some needed vitamin D

Take Your Workout Outdoors 

Run-on the treadmill at the gym? Or do yoga in your home? Why not take them outdoors instead. You could try running in a park nearby and take your yoga mat in your back garden in the fresh air instead of indoors all the time. You will feel as though it is a really simple way of spending more time outdoors as part of your existing routine, especially if you already attend the gym. If you have a specific routine or equipment you use at the gym you could consider jogging there and back. 

With little planning, all of these should help you to naturally spend more time outdoors. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below.