What Makes Horses So Special?

What Makes Horses So Special?

Horses are beautiful creatures, and that’s an undeniable fact. You don’t need anyone to tell you that if you have eyes. Still, if you’re on the fence about perhaps buying one for yourself then you might want to know what makes these animals quite so special beyond them being pretty and fun to ride. There’s much more to these creatures than meets the eye. They’re smart and loyal, for starters, but here are some deeper reasons as to why horses are so special and why you should definitely consider buying one for your farm or family.

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Farming Is All About Making Bold Moves

Farming Is All About Making Bold Moves

If you run a farm, you will probably find that it is usually helpful to think of it as a business first and foremost and a farm second. After all, there is no denying that it is a business, and it often takes an entrepreneurial approach in order to get the most out of it and make it truly as successful as possible. If you are curious as to how you might be able to improve your farming business, the truth is that it often requires you to make bold moves. These are the kinds of thing which can really make a world of difference, and it is worth looking into if you want to get ahead fast. Let’s have a look at some of the bold moves you can make to improve your farming business for good.

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How to Create a More Efficient Farm

How to Create a More Efficient Farm

Running a farm is no easy task. Sustaining any sort of business is difficult, but farms are different; you have to put physical labor and continuous work into maintaining what is often a large and sprawling piece of land. You live on your business property, and that’s something to which not many business owners can attest. This isn’t some small firm that you can open and close as you will; you live in this business, and that probably means there’s a strong sentimental link to your farm. If things start failing then it’s probably a bit of a kick to the guts. Still, there’s always a way to turn things around. Here are some tips to help you create a more efficient farm.

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5 Scary Things Found In Common Foods: Or, Why You Should Be Eating Fresh

5 Scary Things Found In Common Foods: Or, Why You Should Be Eating Fresh

There’s a reason that people turn to farming their own food, and it’s not just because it tastes better than anything you can buy in the store. They also do it because they know that the mass-produced food you’ll find in stores and fast food restaurants simply isn’t always good for you; and worse than that, it might actually be doing you harm. It’s just that not many people know the dangerous ingredients that are lurking in their food. If you haven’t already made the jump to fresh food, you might want to after reading about the five dangerous, common ingredients outlined below!

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'Truth Card Art' Workshop at Better Farm July 8


Truth cards are small, uniquely created cards with beautiful pictures and sayings that are based in Love and Truth and speak directly to the soul.

In betterArts' "Truth Card Art" workshop from 12-3 p.m. Saturday, July 8, students will create "truth cards" by collaging pictures and meaningful phrases and words for ourselves and for women rescued from human trafficking to help them feel healed and whole again. These cards will be sent to a wonderful organization called Brave Girls Club and then sent to women rescued from human trafficking in many different places in the world. We will also talking about who we are from the soul's perspective, and human trafficking afar and close to home.

About the instructor: Kelly Charlton lives in Heuvelton, NY with her husband, two children and two furry friends. She is a Certified Retreat Coach and a self taught artist with a Degree in Early Childhood Education who loves teaching and coaching both children and adults.

12-3 p.m., at Better Farm (31060 Cottage Hill Road, Redwood). Ages 15 and up, $20. Collage materials will be provided, but attendees are welcome to bring their own as well. Click here to register.


Nicole Caldwell

Nicole Caldwell is a self-taught environmentalist, green-living savant and sustainability educator with more than a decade of professional writing experience. She is also the co-founder of Better Farm and president of betterArts. Nicole’s work has been featured in Mother Earth News, Reader’s Digest, Time Out New York, and many other publications. Her first book, Better: The Everyday Art of Sustainable Living, is due out this July through New Society Publishers.

Living Off The Grid: The Best Ways To Generate Power At Home

Living Off The Grid: The Best Ways To Generate Power At Home

No, we’re not talking about ditching credit cards and going to live in a shack in India. This isn’t a Jason Bourne novel! In this post, we’re going to look at how to generate power without using the traditional grid method. Let’s face it – private energy companies are going too far. Nowadays, the cost of energy is more expensive than the monthly mortgage payments, and that is saying something. The only way to make a difference to the planet and your bank balance is to get off the grid. But, which option should you choose once you’re off the grid? Here are the pros and cons of the four best methods available to the average homeowner.

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You Don't Need Complicated Equipment To Be A Great Cook!

You Don't Need Complicated Equipment To Be A Great Cook!

Who doesn't love a delicious meal? There isn't a person alive who doesn't love getting to sit down and tuck into some seriously tasty food. However, that doesn't mean that everyone is quite so interested in actually making it. For every person who loves to eat good food, less than half of those people actually the time and effort that goes into getting it onto a plate. However, it hardly takes a genius to work out that you probably aren't going to be able to rely on someone else to cook your meals every single day for your entire life. Because of that, it only makes sense that you take the time to learn how to cook your own meals. Not only that but cooking can actually be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things that you can do. If you think a delicious meal is good, just think about how much better it's going to taste when you can say that you made it yourself from scratch. 

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Machine-Led: Looking After Your Equipment

Machine-Led: Looking After Your Equipment

A massive priority is keeping your farming equipment up to a high standard. If you look after it, it will look after you and your farming business. Properly maintained equipment will mean a lot less investment in buying new machines because of a breakdown, and it will also mean much less stress! We all know the impact of one broken machine on the impact of workload, so here is how to keep on top of your machinery, so the cost of repair doesn’t get on top of you!

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Can Your Restaurant Help the Environment?

Can Your Restaurant Help the Environment?

Restaurants aren’t usually considered among the most environmentally friendly businesses out there. When we think about them, we tend to think of absurd amounts of food waste, as well as water and energy waste. We think about all the food-related activities and energy use we have at home - cooking, refrigerating, washing - and multiply is many times over. Restaurants don’t seem all that great for the environment at all.

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4 Must-Have Kitchen Appliances for a Healthy Lifestyle

4 Must-Have Kitchen Appliances for a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living can be a difficult task when you aren’t interested in the kitchen. You might hate cooking or you might find that you never have the rights tools and appliances to follow a delicious looking recipe that your friend gave you. In most cases, this will just lead to unhealthy habits, such as using the microwave or cooking oven meals for convenience. However, as convenient as a traditional microwave and oven can be, there are plenty of other kitchen appliances you can use to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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Best and Beautiful Bugs That Actually Help Your Garden Grow

Best and Beautiful Bugs That Actually Help Your Garden Grow

Bugs, to many gardeners, are considered to be a nuisance. We are instantly reminded of the hole-ridden broccoli leaves, the caterpillar-eaten tomatoes, and the unmistakable aphid infestation that leaves us searching for a solution. Funnily enough, bugs are the solution. Mother Nature knows what she is doing because there are many insects that actually help your garden grow strong and beautiful. The next time you see bugs moving friends and family into their new home (amidst your kale crop), check this list to find out if they will help your garden or destroy it.

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