Living off Your Land: Farming Hacks You can Bring Home

Living off Your Land: Farming Hacks You can Bring Home

Farming is a wonderful career and it is something which can make a whole family thrive for generations upon generations. If you have ever thought about farming yourself but have never had the time or resources to do it, you can still enjoy the fruits of a farming lifestyle in your own home. Here are a few ways that you can live off your own land and create a symbiotic relationship with your home and garden this year.

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3 Incredible Farming Businesses You Haven't Considered

3 Incredible Farming Businesses You Haven't Considered

If you own farmland or you’re thinking about purchasing a farm, then you might already have a clear picture of how you are going to use it and what you are going to use it for. Perhaps, you’re going to grow crops, or maybe you’re going to farm livestock. You could even be considering starting a dairy farm with a full herd of milk cows. But these are actually just a couple of the possibilities for farming you can consider. There are various others you may want to think about that could be beneficial, profitable and perhaps even help those in need. Let’s look at a few of the options and make sure that you are maximizing the potential of your farm.

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Getting the Barn Ready for the Winter

Getting the Barn Ready for the Winter

If you’ve got a barn on your hands, there’s a good chance you dedicate 50% of your life to keeping it in good nick. You’ve got animals in there that rely on you for everything, and you’ve got to keep all the tools in a tidy spot to make sure you’re never buying a new rake every other month! But there’s a little more work coming up for you this year.

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How to Perfect Bulk Storage on Your Farm

How to Perfect Bulk Storage on Your Farm

Running a successful and efficient farm can require storing significant amounts of materials. Whether you’re storing fertilizer, seeds or a portion of your product, it is important to take proper storage seriously.

Having efficient and safe ways to store things on your farm is the key to maximizing reliable production and profit, and it can also help make your day-to-day work easier. Here are five simple tips for perfecting bulk storage on your farm.

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Learning the Basics of Fruit Tree Care

Learning the Basics of Fruit Tree Care

Fruit trees can be a sweet addition to any farm, ranch or garden. Because most fruit trees produce annually and require relatively little attention, they can be a smart investment. With the proper care, your trees will provide fruit for your family, friends or customers for years to come.

Though it can be tempting to plant your fruit tree and forget about it until harvest time, taking proper care of your tree throughout the year is essential to having a healthy, bountiful crop. Luckily, raising a strong tree from a seedling to a full-grown plant is easy, as long as you remember these basic rules and guidelines.

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A Guide On Running A Successful Farming Business

A Guide On Running A Successful Farming Business

The farming industry can be a particularly enticing one for certain entrepreneurs. After all, it’s a stable industry for people who know what they’re doing. There’s always a market for crops and animals (or, at least, there’s a market for those things today and in the foreseeable future). But starting your own farming business from scratch is tougher than you might imagine. And we’re not just talking about mastering the “manual labor” side of things; we’re talking about mastering the business side of things. You should take the following pieces of advice on board if you want to run a successful farming business. This guide should help you out.

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Sustainably Bringing Light To Your Farm

Sustainably Bringing Light To Your Farm

While there are bigger electricity consuming sectors in the USA, farming still consumes 1.74% of the nation’s electricity output. However, according to the same statistics as provided by the USDA, 6% of farms earn $56,000 from renewables. That’s net, meaning after all of their consumption, they’re left with enough homebrewed electricity to sell back to the grid. How?

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Tips To Finding Land Clearing Services That Won't Damage The Environment

Tips To Finding Land Clearing Services That Won't Damage The Environment

Customers avail land clearing services for quite a wide variety of purposes, but all with the same underlying principle. There's a patch of land they need "cleared" in order to cater for a specific purpose, and land clearing services are equipped with the means to clear such land in order to be properly used for such a circumstance. Unfortunately, despite the thrust of a lot of industries to be more sustainable and environment-friendly, not a lot of land clearing services cater to the needs of the environment. This doesn't mean there are no land clearing services with environment-friendly practices, however. In this article are a few tips to find them.

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