Why Water Quality Should Matter to Farmers

Why Water Quality Should Matter to Farmers

Agriculture and water quality are inherently linked, and farmers and ranchers manage 70 percent of the world’s fresh water, according to the American Farmland Trust.

Water is a vital resource for farmers, and farming activities have a substantial effect on water quality.  Farms impact water quality in a variety of ways, namely due to the pollutants that can run off into waterways with rain. These pollutants come from fertilizers, animal waste and soil erosion.

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Planning For Your Farm’s Next Heatwave

Planning For Your Farm’s Next Heatwave

Summer time is the same each year. Over the course of a few months, the weather will make some drastic changes, going from being pleasantly mild to scorchingly hot. Of course, in normal conditions, this is absolutely fine, and can even be a benefit to businesses like farms, even if it makes working harder. When a heatwave comes, though, it can all be turned on its head. To help you out with this tricky time of year on your farm, this post will be exploring the preparation which can be done to make sure that the whole farm stays in working order.

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Finding The Best Truck for Your Farm

Finding The Best Truck for Your Farm

These days, more and more Americans are choosing to ditch the supermarket shelves and grow their own food. In fact, an impressive 35% of households grow produce at home or in a community garden. If you frequent a farm or homestead, a sturdy vehicle can be an invaluable tool. Not only can a truck help you to get work done around your property, but it can also function as an everyday vehicle for commuting to work or school. Not all trucks are created equal, however. It’s a good idea to take into consideration your unique needs when shopping for a new vehicle and find one that offers the versatility and reliability that you need. Here are some tips on how to choose a truck that can get you from Point A to Point B without a hitch.

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What to Consider When Looking for an Ag School

What to Consider When Looking for an Ag School

Solving the world’s food issues is a job for ag graduates.

The human population continues to increase, and that means there will be more mouths to feed than ever before. However, with the increase in population, land for crops and pasture becomes more scarce. If we want to ensure no one goes hungry, we have to find ways to produce food that is economical, environmentally-friendly and sustainable.

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Is Your Farm Environmentally Sound?

Is Your Farm Environmentally Sound?

There are many concerns facing those who run a farm these days, and one which is likely to become more and more pressing as time goes on is whether or not the way you are running your farm is environmentally sound. The truth is that keeping your head above water when it comes to environmental issues can be difficult, in part because there is just so much to do on  that front, but as long as you are thinking about it as much as you can, you will find that you can generally make a considerable difference to how your farm fares in environmental terms. There are three things in particular which you might want to pay close attention to if you are to ensure that your farm is environmentally sound. Let’s take a look at what they are - along with a discussion of what you can do to improve the functioning of your own farm in this way.

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Finding New Income Streams on Your Farm

Finding New Income Streams on Your Farm

Most farmers make their income from growing crops and rearing animals. However, we are now in the 21st Century, and sometimes you have to think outside of the box if you want to support your family. The entire farming industry has taken a hit during the last few years, and so lots of people out there are trying to find ways of boosting their earnings. There are some ideas on this page that you might like to consider depending on your situation at the moment. You have nothing to lose by reading about some of them today, and hopefully, these suggestions will point you in the right direction. Your farm has a lot more potential than you probably realize right now.

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Moving From a City to a Farm and Everything in Between

Moving From a City to a Farm and Everything in Between

City life is fine, but it’s nothing on the wide open spaces of a farm. Regular readers of this blog won’t need telling again, but there are those who aren’t convinced, yet. But, farm life gets them in the end and they can’t wait to move from the Big Apple or the City of Angels. If you’re one of those people, let’s start by saying welcome to the fold. Seriously, you won’t regret the decision. Of course, making a move is by no means straightforward because there’s a lot to consider. So, here are some tips to help make the transition smoother.

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Horsing Around: Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Horse

Horsing Around: Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Horse

Buying a horse is a bigger decision than getting many other types of animal, and it is one which you need to ensure that you are 100 percent ready for. Before you start looking, you need to have a clear idea in your mind of how you will use it, the facilities that you have available, and how much time you have to invest in its upkeep and well-being.

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