Free Arts & Crafts for Kids Sept. 1 in A'Bay
A free instrument-building arts and
crafts demonstration for children is slated from 1-4 p.m. Saturday,
Sept. 1, on the front lawn of Bay House Artisans at 21A James Street
in Alexandria Bay.
The demonstration is being put on by
betterArts, a Redwood-based not-for-profit, and is made possible
through space provided by Bay House Artisans and a donation by
Watertown Evening Rotary.
Youngsters can show up anytime between
1 and 4 to learn how to make a variety of instruments, including
kazoos and harmonicas. Children will also have the opportunity to
decorate the musical pieces with paint, glitter, and other arts and
crafts items.
The event is being put on in
conjunction with Alexandria Bay's Blues in the Bay music festival.
All attending will get their own instruments to play and take home.
BetterArts is a 501(c)3 non-profit
organization dedicated to increasing access to the arts throughout
the North Country through the provision of free and low-cost
workshops, residencies, private instruction, studio and gallery
space, performances, and events. For more information, visit or call
(315) 482-2536.