Guide to Buying Crop Care Equipment for First-Time Farmers

By Emily Folk

When it comes to farm equipment, the long lists of needed machinery can seem overwhelming for a first-timer. Most crop care equipment is quite expensive, and if you're just getting started, the high price tag on a tractor attachment may be daunting.

There are a few key items that are essential to almost any agricultural operation. A compact tractor, pick-up truck and sprayers are just a few necessities. Still, what else will you require? Regardless of whether you're raising livestock, row crops or a specialized product, here is your guide to buying crop care equipment.

Know Your Operation

Did you know that mechanization can account for 25% of operating costs, depending on your type of farming? If you're a first time or beginning farmer, that number can seem especially ominous. When you're working with a tight budget, or are unsure which crop care equipment is worth investing in, take a hard look at your operation. Consider your labor and infrastructure goals.

Determine the price to quality ratio of your equipment, and research the parts, performance and power of each piece. For example, say you have a compact tractor. You know you need to purchase certain tractor implements, but don't quite know which ones are worth investing in. Based on your operation, determine whether you need more help with irrigation, harvesting, distribution, soil preparation or weed control.

List Out Responsibilities

Too often, farmers assume certain equipment is a requirement based on an idealized notion of what a farm should look like. In reality, your agricultural operation may be entirely different than the farmer's next door. If you're a beginning farmer or working with a specialty crop, you may find you need less equipment than you thought.

Before making any significant purchases, write a list of responsibilities you will need to perform daily. When it comes to crop care, will you need to till? If you raise livestock, do you need a mobile watering unit to move around the field? When it comes to irrigation, do you need spare sprayer nozzles and tips in case of a break or leak? If you work with cash crops, do you need a grain combine? Only purchase what you know you will use.

Talk to Your Peers

Back in the day, farming communities were close-knit because everyone depended on each other. Today, collaboration is less common but still equally important. If you're a first-time farmer, you may be unfamiliar with the best type of plow to buy, or where to get the best value for an ATV.

An easy solution is to start a conversation with fellow farmers, including those nearest to you. With 2.2 million farms in the U.S. alone, you're sure to find someone willing to talk about the tricks of the trade. Find out what brands they like, or the pros and cons they experience with various types of machinery. You may even be able to borrow a tractor to see if it fits your operation.

Take the First Step

Investing in crop care equipment is a crucial part of success as a first-time farmer. Whether you need a boom sprayer, a plow or drip tape, gathering essential equipment will significantly improve your operation. Still, remember that purchases can happen in steps, and you don't need to get everything at once.

Think about your daily chores, talk to fellow farmers and familiarize yourself with the needs of your property before making a purchasing. With the right knowledge, you can ensure you only invest in the equipment you need.

About the author: Emily is a sustainability writer and avid gardener. You can read more of her work on her site, Conservation Folks, where she writes about helping tomorrow’s planet today.