Why Chickens Make the Best Pets

Having pets makes a house a home, it’s wonderful to welcome some furry and feathered friends into the family. But while cats and dogs tend to be the cute and cuddly pet of choice, chickens are becoming a more popular choice - especially if you have a lot of space for them.

Keeping chickens has many benefits, and they can bring a lot of joy to your life too! Take a look at some of the reasons why chickens make some of the best pets, and who knows - maybe they’ll be joining your household soon!

They’re easy to take care of

Chickens have relatively simple needs. Chicken care is affordable and provided you keep them safe, keep them hydrated and well-fed and that their living area is kept clean, you should have some happy chickens on your hands. Give them plenty of space to roam around and keep a close eye on them for any signs of illness or injury.

Keeping chickens can be a lot less maintenance than say a cat, dog or horse, and could help you teach some responsibility to the younger members of your family too.

They can provide you with a constant supply of eggs

Who doesn’t love fresh eggs? Natural, home-collected eggs tend to be richer in vitamin E and lower in cholesterol, alongside many other benefits of backyard eggs. You won’t need to visit a supermarket to enjoy eggs for breakfast, baking, and anything else you would normally buy eggs for. 

They have amazing personalities and quirks

Chickens have wonderful personalities! Until you get up close and personal with them, you won’t realize just how funny, loving and quirky they can be! By naming and getting to know each one, you’ll become fond of them and care for them as you would with any other pet. If you know someone who keeps chickens, you can find an ideal gift for chicken owners that will help them celebrate their love for their feathered friends. More and more people are keeping chickens, and you’ll find some great online communities that will help you learn more about how great chickens are.

They make fantastic garden helpers

Chickens can make fantastic helpers for your garden. Not only do they help produce some excellent manure to help you with growing vegetables and crops, but they will also help take care of bugs and garden pests that would usually destroy your efforts! If you’re looking at some pest management ideas for your farm or garden, some chickens could be just what you’re looking for!

Chickens are becoming a more popular pet for people with backyards of all shapes and sizes. They will bring a lot of love and joy, and benefit you in so many ways in return for caring for them. Provided you can give them a good home and take care of them properly; your new chicken pets could soon become some treasured members of your family.